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Making space for what’s next

Investing in early-stage technology
companies in the Western US.


Daring to be different

Ideas that move the needle

At Frame, we invest in technology companies that are focused on solving problems that matter, and we provide the resources they need to achieve those outcomes at scale.

Partnerships built on trust

Investing in founders who are passionate about their industry, our role as partners is to provide unwavering support, empowering their growth rather than dictating the course their venture.

Art & science of investment

Our approach is unique, drawing on experiences as founders, operators, investors, and LPs. With a disciplined and proven investment strategy, we’re able to grow a wide variety of ventures.


Simple values.

Simple actions.

We bring empathy and integrity to each of our relationships, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of conduct.

We build lasting relationships by putting people first, knowing that will help our portfolio companies succeed.

We’re committed to providing both the emotional support and guidance that our portfolio companies need, going far beyond just financial resources.




Scott Carman



Rob Hennefer



Sharing is caring

Freely sharing knowledge with startup founders helps our whole community move forward. It’s a culture of collaboration and learning that creates resilient and influential companies.

Check out our resource library for pitch deck templates, cap table guides, and more.

What can we create together?

Let’s build something that
makes a difference.

What can we create together?

Let’s build something that
makes a difference.